Brooklyn's play group met at a nearby park this morning and it was so beautiful out! Brooklyn's best friend, Emerson, was there. They play so well together! All three of them really. Jeremiah fits right in with the girls. This is the second park that we've found recently that has the 'chewed up' rubber floor (like a track). It's so perfect, especially since we've had a lot of rain recently. I don't have to worry at all about the kids slopping through mud puddles. Savannah slept on me during most of our time there, but woke up just in time to get a quick swing in before leaving (she LOVES to swing at the park!) Brooklyn, Emerson, and Jeremiah are counting together in their game of Hide and Seek to find Molly EMERSON: "Can I carry you, Jeremiah"? JEREMIAH: "Oh, sure you can" (a common answer of his)
I love it!!!! Can't wait to hug these little ones in WISCONSIN!!!!